Key aspects of the work, which are integral to safety and which are often overlooked in Risk Assessments and Safe Work Method Statements, are discussed here.
Further detailed guidance is available from the IRATA International Code of Practice and also from the ISO 22846:2012 – the code of practice for the use of rope access methods.
IRATA companies complete their work with confidence and assurance, the certainty of expertise and the value of a service that has proved itself around the world. The training given to IRATA technicians follows a strict work based syllabus that delivers highly committed personnel who are determined to deliver safe working. Those conducting the training are rope access experts, not general work-at-height instructors, and have many years of experience.
The IRATA assurance of safe and responsible working is based on:
- Audited and regularly re-audited member companies;
- Robust membership entry criteria;
- Many thousands of rope access technicians who have been thoroughly trained and are required to re-train every three years;
- The independent assessment of every IRATA trainee technician wherever in the world he or she is trained;
- An unrivalled level of site supervision;
- Mandatory work procedures that are consistent wherever IRATA teams operate.
IRATA is the most recognised professional global authority in industrial rope access with member companies in every continent and qualified technicians in over 50 countries. The Association is at the forefront of developing and diversifying rope access as a work solution and progresses its two-rope, safety first methods into new regions every year.